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Thursday 25 June 2009

Hall of Shame

For innovative use of dubious research to promote a company:
Survey Reveals Workaholics now working 2-6 hours a week in bed

For hype above and beyond the call of duty:
The Book of the Universe; an outstanding new book which alters our ideas on fundamental issues

For the most breathtakingly obvious conclusion:
Survey reveals why some people are saying 'No thanks' to Digital Britain
"OxIS 2009 concludes that the Internet is a valuable resource for people to find information, communicate with others, and find entertainment ‘in ways that could well give advantages to them over those who choose not to use the Internet’."

For cut and paste journalism:
From Walkabout Bars: New study reveals the secrets behind the way you hold your drink
From BBC Online: 'Glass hold' reveals personality
Make sure to check out the credit on the BBC Online cartoon, and note that this was published in the Health section. [If a student of mine had handed this in, they would have been done for plagiarism. -Ed]

Please send your candidates for the Hall of Shame to tsr@absw.org.uk. You might suggest categories such as:
  • Most dubious use of statistics
  • Most tenuous attempt at balance
  • Most inappropriate headline
Whatever it is, if it makes you want to laugh/cry/tear your hair out, we'll consider it!

Thanks to Mike Kenward, Natasha Loder and Stuart Arnott for their contributions.