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Tuesday 4 March 2008

Books by Members

Compiled by Sallie Robins, publicist

It's ONLY Rocket Science: An Introduction in Plain English

Lucy Rogers
Springer-Verlag New York Inc Feb 2008
Series: Astronomers' Universe
Paperback 208 pages
ISBN: 978-0-387-75377-5
Contact: information@itsonlyrocketscience.com

The book deals with all aspects of spaceflight, from how to leave the Earth (including the design of the rocket, mission planning, navigation and communication), to life in space and the effects of weightlessness.

Flower Hunters

Mary and John Gribbin
Oxford University Press March 2008
Illustrated Hardback 320 pages
ISBN: 978-0-19-280718-2
Contact: kate.farquhar-thomson@oup.com or 01865 353423

From the Douglas-fir and the monkey puzzle tree to orchids and azaleas, the thousands of plants we know and love today were found by intrepid botanists who scoured the world in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Risking all, these explorers collected seeds and exotic plants to send back to Europe. This is their story . . .

Galaxies: A very short introduction

John Gribbin
Oxford University Press March 2008
Series: Very Short Introductions
Paperback 144 pages
ISBN: 978-0-19-923434-9
Contact: kate.farquhar-thomson@oup.com or 01865 353423

In this Very Short Introduction, Gribbin describes the extraordinary things that astronomers are learning about galaxies, and explains how this can shed light on the origins and structure of the Universe.